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Writer's pictureSheron Mingo Y

🏈 Your Super Bowl Moment

Updated: Oct 28, 2023

🏈 Super Bowl began in the 1960s and continues to deliver exciting moments each year for those who play and those who watch and cheer the games. Then there are those who watch just the halftime show. Expectations and emotions run high for viewers, and everyone has an opinion of how the evening should unfold for players and performers.

🏈 Perhaps the final edit of a book is Super Bowl for writers. Perhaps it's an engagement or marriage, birth of a child, graduation, final payment on a loan or retirement. Special moments--our "Super Bowls" should be celebrated in big or small ways and impact our lives and other.

🏈 A Super Bowl moment for me is completing my Vegan Delectable: Volumes I -V cookbooks. I can breathe a sigh of relief from a few years of lovely but arduous work. I can share with you how to enjoy healthy vegan cuisines that add intrigue and variety to every meal you prepare. You can appreciate healthy, delectable foods that are easy to prepare whether you are vegan, vegetarian or carnivore. Games are enjoyed best with foods and vegans are not to be outdone.

🏈 Why not try these Vegan Delectable treats

as you watch Super Bowl 2023!

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Check out this website for the facts about Super Bowl.

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